Mobile Experience
Contain on the go
Branded Contain mobile apps enable your brand, as well as your casual contributors, lurkers and brand evangelists to post their updates on-the-go and see community activity in real time.

Easy to use
As soon as the app is started, your users will be taken to the home screen of the Contain application where they will be able to quickly post an update, browse new updates, comment, as well as upload any images or videos to share with the entire community.
Homescreen legend:
- Easy to Post
- Latest posts
- All my updates
- Friends/Following
- Most popular posts
- My profile
- Friends Activity
- Featured posts
- Search
A blog entry, an image, a video or all of the above? It's all possible.
Since most users are on other social networks with their generic friends, Contain leverages other communities, rather than cannibalizes them by allowing auto-posting to their Facebook or Twitter accounts, giving your brand and their content more exposure.

Easy to invite friends
In order for your community to grow as quickly and organically as possible, Contain mobile makes it simple for users to invite their friends.

Contain it!
The community wouldn't be complete without an easy way for you and your community members to post new updates.
Users can quickly and simply snap new photos and or videos or browse their native library to upload previously stored content.
Tap "Contain"

1. Tap
Users can choose to take a photo or video while inside the app, or upload media from their library.
2. Add
If a user chooses to add an image(s), they will immediately see what they have selected.
3. Options
You can quickly add a title (optional). If no title is chosen it will default to a time stamp.
4. Done!
With one button the entry is “Contained” and the post can be seen by the community.
Why cannibalize popular social networks when we can just as easily leverage it? Auto-posting to Twitter and Facebook can be easily turned on or off for each individual update.
In order for your community to grow as quickly as possible, posting an update is easy. Users can use their mobile device for quick and easy updates, and knowing that it will auto-post to their other communities increases content exposure and uptake.

Browse on the go
Each user can track the pulse of your community by viewing what other community members have posted. The quick filters allow users to view what posts are currently most popular. There is a space for isolating more editorial pieces inside the "Featured" filter.
Through the "friend" and "followers" tabs, users can keep connected with those they have invited and popular users they have chosen to follow.
Browse updates
Users will be able to quickly view the latest posts of the people they follow.
Comment on the go
Commenting can be done just as easily on the mobile app as on the web version.
View activity
Users can easily stay up to date on all the latest activities of the community.
It’s time to Contain!
Contain is available as a fully branded iPhone app as well as an Android App, making sure that everyone within your community will have easy access.